Programme complet et résumés du 43ème colloque

Programme complet et résumés du 43ème colloque

Mercredi 2 octobre

14H00 - 14H30 : Ouverture du 43ème Colloque de la SNE

14H30 - 16H30 : Symposium 1 :  Microbiota-Gut-Brain axis : from psychoneuroendocrinology to pathology

 Chairs : Ms Darnaudéry, Muriel (Bordeaux University, INRA UMR1286 NUTRINEURO) / Benani Alexandre (Centre des Sciences du Gout et de l'Alimentation, UMR 6265 CNRS-INRA-Université de Bourgogne)

  • Amandine Gautier-Stein, (Inserm 1213, Lyon). Food controls mood by inducig gut-brain neural circuits
  • Nicolas Chartrel (Inserm U1239, Rouen University). The neuropeptide 26RFa: a novel actor in the peripheral and hypothalamic regulation of glucose homeostasis
  • Bruno Bonaz (Inserm U 836, Grenoble, France). Stimulation of the vagus nerve: impact on intestinal diseases with psychiatric comorbidities.
  • Michel Neunlist, (INSERM UMR 913, Nantes, France). The microbiota-gut-brain axis in developmental and neurodegenerative diseases?

16H30 - 17H00 : Pause café

17H00 - 18H00 : Séance poster, présentations « flash » de 10 posters

19H00 - 21H00 : Conférence grand public : Stress et dépression par le Prof Catherine Belzung (Inserm 1253, Tours)


Jeudi 3 octobre

8H30-10H30 : Symposium 2 : Insulin and related-peptides action in the brain: a reciprocal and unexpected link between energy metabolism dysfunctions and alzheimer disease

Chairs : Didier Vieau (UMR Inserm UMR-S1172,"Alzheimer & Tauopathies", JPARC, Univ. Lille-Nord de France), David Blum (Inserm UMR-S1172, "Alzheimer & Tauopathies" JPARC, University of Lille, France)

  • Andre Kleinridders (German Institute of Human Nutrition, Department of Central Regulation of Metabolism, Berlin, Germany). Insulin-induced regulation of mitochondrial proteostasis in the brain is crucial for metabolism and brain health
  • Saba Aïd (Inserm U938, Sorbonne University, Paris, France). Insulin-like growth factor signalling in the brain and neuroprotection 
  • David Blum (Inserm UMR-S1172, "Alzheimer & Tauopathies" Jean-Pierre Aubert Research Centre, University of Lille, France). The impairment of insulin signalling in Alzheimer disease: focus on Tau protein
  • Angel Cedazo-Minguez (Sanofi). Tau hyperphosphorylation results in intraneuronal accumulation of oligomeric insulin and induces insulin resistance

10H30 - 11H00 : Pause café

11H00 - 12H00 : Communications orales libres

Chairs : Alexandre Surget (Inserm U1253, Université de Tours) et Nicolas Chartrel (Inserm U1239, Rouen University)

  • Geoffrey Canet et al. (Inserm U1198 – Université de Montpellier, EPHE, Montpellier). Therapeutic potential of a new selective glucocorticoid receptor modulator in the prefrontal cortex in Alzheimer’s disease rat.
  • Stephane Gasman (INCI, Université de Strasbourg, CNRS). Molecular mechanisms of hormones secretion in neuroendocrine tumor from the adrenal medulla.
  • Hugo Martin et al. (Univ. Bordeaux, INRA, NutriNeuro, UMR 1286, Bordeaux). Impact of type 2 diabetes-associated mood disorders on the electrical properties of brain serotoninergic neurons.
  • Vincent Pacini et al (UMR 8251, Université Paris Diderot, CNRS, Inserm Paris). ERα-activated pituitary enhancer is mandatory for Sf-1 expression during early gonadotrope lineage specification.

12H30 - 13H30 : Déjeuner et posters

13H30 - 14H30 : Assemblée Générale de la SNE

14H30 - 16H00 : Symposium « Jeunes chercheurs » 

Chairs : Nour Mimouni (Laboratory of Development and Plasticity of Neuroendocrine Brain, Jean-Pierre Aubert Research Center, U1172, Lille, France) et Fanny Langlet (University of Lausanne, Center for Integrative Genomic, Lausanne, Switzerland)

  • Patrick Gaudray (CNRS, Membre du Comité Consultatif National d’Ethique) L’injonction éthique en recherche : mode ou nécessité ?
  • Matei Bolborea (Medical School, Warwick University, Coventry, United Kingdom) : INTime: Predictability of individual circadian phase during daily routine for medical applications of circadian clocks
  • Fanny Langlet et al. (University of Lausanne, Center for Integrative Genomic, Lausanne, Switzerland) : Glutamatergic synapse formation in POMC neurons and regulation of metabolism

16H00 – 16H30 : Prix de la SNE

16H30-17H00 : Pause café

17H00-18H00 : Conférence Jacques Benoît par le Dr Valérie Simonneaux (INCI Strasbourg)

20H00 : Repas de Gala


Vendredi 4 octobre

8H30-10H30 : Symposium 3, Neurogenèse et régulations neuroendocrines

Chairs : Alexandre Surget (U1253 INSERM, Université de Tours) et Martine Migaud (INRA UMR 85, CNRS, UMR7247, Université de Tours, IFCE, Nouzilly).

  • Alexandre Surget (UMR iBRain, Inserm 1253 Tours). Neurogenesis-dependent regulation of HPA axis and relevance for stress-related disorders.
  • Martine Migaud (UMR PRC, INRA Nouzilly). Adult neural stem cells, new players in the reproductive function.
  • Elisabeth Pellegrini (Univ Rennes, Inserm, EHESP, Irset Rennes, France). Steroid modulation of neurogenesis : Focus on radial glial cells in zebrafish
  • Thomas Lutz (Institute of Veterinary Physiology, Université de Zurich ). Amylin and brain develoment in the early postnatal period and in adulthood".

10H30 - 11H00 : Pause café 

11H00 - 12H00 : Communications orales libres

Chairs : Youssef Anouar (Inserm U1239, Rouen University) et Ariane Sharif (Laboratory of Development and Plasticity of Neuroendocrine Brain, Jean-Pierre Aubert Research Center, U1172, Lille, France)

  • Nour El Houda Mimouni and Paolo Giacobini (INSERM, Laboratory of Development and Plasticity of Neuroendocrine Brain, Jean-Pierre Aubert Research Center, U1172, Lille, France – Centre de Recherche Inserm – France). Development of Metabolic Disturbances in a Mouse Model of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
  • Salma Tazi et al. (UMR 8251, Université Paris Diderot, Université Sorbonne Paris Cité, CNRS, Inserm, Paris). Effect of High-Fat Diet on pituitary inflammation and gonadotrope activity.
  • Anne-Charlotte Trouillet et al. (UMR PRC, INRA CNRS : UMR7247, IFCE, Université de Tours, France). Reproductive and socio-sexual behaviors regulation by Gαi2 signal transduction in mice.
  • Justine Vily Petit et al (INSERM U1213 Nutrition, diabète et cerveau – Université Claude Bernard - Lyon I – France). Intestinal gluconeogenesis exerts metabolic benefits by activating the leptin signaling pathway and CGRP neurons.

12H00 -  14H15: Déjeuner et visite poster

14H15 - 16H15 : Symposium 4, Genre et stéroïdes sexuels dans les comportements et la neuroprotection

Chairs : Arnaud Nicot (CRTI-UMR1064 INSERM-Université de Nantes, CHU Nantes) et Laurence Dufourny (INRA UMR 85, CNRS, UMR7247, Université de Tours, IFCE, Nouzilly)

  • Amélie Piton (IGBMC & Université de Strasbourg). Molecular and cellular mechanisms regulated by androgens: a possible contribution to increasing the risk of developing ASD in boys.
  • Nandini Vasudevan (University of Reading, United Kingdom). GPER1/estrogen receptor crosstalk and implications for anxiety and social behavior.
  • Rachida Guennoun (INSERM U1195/Université Paris-Sud). Stroke cerebroprotection by endogenous progesterone and its intracellular receptors.
  • Yvette Akwa (INSERM U1195 /Université Paris-Sud). Promoting neurosteroid synthesis by a TSPO ligand.

16H15 - 16H30 : Remise des Prix et clôture du Congrès


Personnes connectées : 10